The blog of BaggieAggie, designer of bags, gadget cases and other fabulous accessories handmade in Wales. Sprinkled with recipes, gardening chat, the odd piece of short fiction, and anything else that inspires (or annoys!) me. So pull up a comfy chair and stay a while.


Thursday, 1 July 2010

Pinch Punch

Is it really July 1st...? I'm always amazed at how quickly time flies, yet when I was a child, Monday to Friday seemed forever.

And Christmas, well, it seemed a century away; if only that was so now! In approximately three months, the shops will be putting up decorations and setting up seasonal displays. Is it only me who thinks Christmas should begin arriving no earlier than December 1st...?

And not only is it July 1st, it's also Thursday so almost a week has gone by without a single piece of fabric or length of thread having passed through my hands. Not through choice, of course, as recent posts show. Ah well. Maybe, just maybe, Figure8 bag will see some action later today!


  1. I know exactly how you feel! It was only yesterday when I was thinking the same thing about Christmas. I saw the 'Summer sales' adverts on TV an thought ' won't be long'


  2. Depressing, isn't it. It takes all the fun out of it, in my view - I wish I was on another planet long before 25/12 arrives!
